Battlegrounds and Ballot Boxes.
There is a meme going around trying to paint those working hard to win the 2004 election as "Bush haters" - an irrational hatred of George Bush. Of course it has been suggested by Post Coluimnist Samuelson that "Bush Hatred" exists because he is successful. Others think liberals are just traitors.
In the end, Jesse helps show how ridiculous the topic is by pointing out the vast shortage of Haterade on the left. He points out in a recent poll:
The number of people who "hate" Bush is about 3%. The number of people who currently "hate" Sen. Hillary Clinton is 5% - nearly double. Therefore, Bush hatred is emblematic of a serious problem on the left, and they've been driven crazy by his success, while Clinton-hatred is just whatever.
There you have it ... 3% ... might I point out ... within the margin of error. Which means it's statistically possible that there could be no one who actually hates George W. Bush. I know that not to be true, but personally I don't hate him. Most people I work with don't hate him. Heck most people I know don't know the man.
What I do not like is what most of what he does and has done as President.
Of course it's not that I expect many of my partisan opposites to separate the deed from the man, mostly because that is one of the many reasons why we are partisan opposites.
However I don't hate my President, I am not sure I ever could. My desire to see him lose in 2004 is strong and passionate. But it is as E.J. Dione puts it a "Rational Response"