While reading Comments and Diaries today, I decided to toss out a phrase and few ideas for a Happy New Year!
- I am a CONSERVATIVE Democrat. That means I want to CONSERVE, 'protect and defend' the FREEDOMS granted in our constitution. And I do not find the word corporation in our US Constitution and Bill of Rights anywhere.
- I am a CONSERVATIVE Democrat. I want to CONSERVE this nations commonwealth instead of handing it over to 'inhuman beings' and hoping for the best. If you haven't noticed lately, their best just isn't even near good enough.
A bit more after the fold...
- I am a CONSERVATIVE Democrat. I want to CONSERVE the right to celebrate my faith without any governmental 'assistance'. There are so many things the government can not do well and religion is the thing government does worst. I don't need a government 'Christmas Tree', a government 'Menora', or a government 'Call to Prayer'. I don't need anything from the government concerning religion except to be left alone. The government should leave religion to individual human beings. Governments and corporations can't get you into heaven, only you can do that.
- I am a CONSERVATIVE Democrat. I want to CONSERVE this world's wilderness, and wildlife. I'd like to leave this world a little better place for my offspring than it was when my parents left it to me. I'd like to think that there were more types and just plain more animals of no direct 'utility' to humankind living when I go than can be predicted now.
I'd like to know... this 'day after'... what positive things about America and the world you would like to CONSERVE.
What does being a CONSERVATIVE Democrat mean to you?