I'm going to take it upon myself to speak for all of America to say that you are an absolute failure to the American people. Some of us knew this from the day you were appointed President by the Supreme Court, others are finally starting to wake up and they are seeing through the act.
You and every Republican in Government owe us all an apology. An apology for the bullshit that you and your propaganda machine vomit onto the American public. You owe us an apology for not catching Osama Bin Laden, America's REAL enemy. You owe us an apology for destroying our public schools (I live in Texas, 50th in Public Education). Frightening. You owe us an apology for destroying our environment... In Dallas, TX we have Orange and Red level pollution alerts EVERY DAY in the summer. You owe us an apology for Karl Rove, Dick Cheney and every other hack in the Republican led Congress, Halliburton, Enron, Bechtel, Arnold Schwarzenegger, Sean Hannity, Bill O'Reilly, Rush Limbaugh, Ann Coulter, a bunch of other windbags and your mother!
You are a failure as President, you were a failure as Governor, you were a failure at every business venture you were involved in before that and the American people don't need a failure as a leader!
You fail miserably at compassion...Compassionate Conservative my ass. A compassionate person doesn't send other peoples children to a war that he has wanted to fight since before he was appointed. A compassionate person doesn't let thousands of AMERICANS starve to death or die of thirst on national television, let babies die in the arms of their mothers... IN AMERICA! A compassionate person doesn't put Americans in great danger in order to enrich his buddies bank accounts. A compassionate person wouldn't call his fellow Americans "Traitors!" for standing up for whats right and exercising our Right of Free Speech. A compassionate person wouldn't be such a total bastard.
I watch people like Bill O'Reilly (Mr. Compassionate himself) talking about Iraq and how "those people" deserve to be free. Those people? I think that is such a slap in the face... those people. I had a co-worker refer to gay people as, "those people" really can be fun. As a gay man I was repulsed. When you say "those people" you might as well say, that fag or that sand n*gger. Its appalling and its OK in your little mind George but its not OK in America. People like that should be ignored, not celebrated.
How about taking care of Americans first? Is that too much to ask? What about darfur? If Iraqis deserve freedom, don't the people of Darfur deserve to be "free" as well? Oh thats right, they're poor. It's not that they are black, its not about race... its because they are poor.
I was thinking the other day... what if I were in Gretna, LA during Hurricane Katrina and I had a big cozy, dry house while your house was flooded in New Orleans? It didn't take very long for me to figure out what to do... as much as I despise everything about you, I would still open my door and welcome you into my home. I would give you a meal, a place to shower, a place to sleep. I would let you call your family to tell them you were OK. I would take you shopping to buy some clothes (and I'm hardly made of money) to help you get a job and back on your feet. I would do it all without asking for ANYTHING in return. Why you ask? Because thats how I was raised. Thats how my parents taught me to be, that it made me a good American to help people who were less fortunate than me. I was taught to love thy neighbor, and to do unto others as you would have them do unto you. (You might remember the Golden Rule George, but then again...) You might also like to know that I am not a Christian, a Jew or a Muslim for that matter. I don't believe in God, I don't believe in religion... yet here I am, the true Moral Superior between us.
We want the good America back. The America that was a dreamland for millions of people. The America that tried to make the world a better place... the REAL America.
Mr. President... you have failed the American people, you have failed the world, you have failed humanity. The harm you have caused the world is unforgivable.
Mr President... You're fired.