First off, I didn't watch any of tonight's charade, or our response. I like to read it myself first then come see your all take on things, but here is what I took away when looking through the news stories.
Democrats on Bush: 'There Is a Better Way'
This is our message?
more on the flip
This is what you see from the
AP right now. Mind you, the article is not bad, and includes some good items, like this:
The president's fifth State of the Union address comes during tumultuous times for the scandal-plagued Republican Party. Democrats are seeking to regain power in Congress by emphasizing GOP woes.
Ten months before Election Day, support for Bush has soured and public sentiment favors Democrats.
Now that I like. But our theme seem to me to embody what is wrong with the Democratic Parties message these days, it is weak.
By saying There is a better way are we saying that Bush's way is pretty good, but we can give you a slightly better deal? "Come on down to Democrats are us, where we will be the republican prices by 10%!"
Can anyone think of one thing, on solitary thing, that this administration has done right? Me neither.
Who the hell is writing our messages anyway? Maybe it is these guys! Maybe we are just trying to take advantage of the growing Natural Herbs market? Possible the DLC has been reading some self help books Which ever the case, I think it is time for some new blood.
We all know Democrats are better for the country and stronger on the issues, so how do we get a message that echoes that strength. I don't know exactly what the message should be, but I am willing to bet that all of us can come up with a better message in the next few hours, than the Democratic party has in the last few months. So give it you best shot. I will start us off. Here is the headline I would have loved to have seen when I looked at headlines tonight:
Democrats on Bush: 'There Is a Right Way'