Atheist Professor penalized for being a ... well an atheist and saying so. Majikthise
has the details.
Shortell's controversial essay argues that blind religious faith undermines an individual's capacity for genuine moral agency.
An argument I happen to agree with and I'll even go further. The propensity to accept uncritically the claims of self appointed moral representatives of YVWH, Allah, or any other deity regardless of how self serving, murderous, or just plain whacked they may be, leaves the credulous wide open to easy manipulation by every kind of human scum on earth. From the unscrupulous televangelist taking in millions courtesy of widows on a fixed income, to the all too familiar claims of the powerful who draw the eyes of the faithful skyward while they pick their pockets clean and send them off to die in wars (Or slam plan loads of innocent people into buildings), blind faith, untempered by critical thought, can be a detriment to society and in many cases the entire world.
Hat Tip: Covington.