David Brooks has apologized for calling critics of neoconservativism antisemites.
Brooks says he was joking when he said that neocon was short for jewish in many circles.
He claimed he wasn't criticising anyone who was criticizing neocon ideas but rather those who see neocons as a shady cabal behind everything Bush does.
He says that he didn't say that all critics of Bush or Neocons were anti-semites.
Lastly he reveals the reason for his "mistake" but I think he may have been more honest than he meant to be.
i am still on the learning curve here, and I do realize that mixture of a crack with a serious accusation was incredibly stupid on my part.
Crack is Whack David.
The above qoute is from a qoute of a letter David Brooks sent to Daniel Okrent which was in turn sent to Romensko by Okrent. Link.