I discovered this site more than a year and a half ago, but didn't register. I just read. Then finally I registered and lurked and didn't comment for several more months. Then I finally commented. Then I posted a diary or two ... just a few.
But this site has grown on me and become a part of my daily (hourly?) life. And in all fairness, I feel I need to confess the ways in which I use the site in a myriad of ways that, while they are not wrong per se, are surely not what it was designed for.
Forgive me, Kossacks, for I have sinned. Yes, I have fallen short, in at least seven ways.
1. I read the diaries more than I read the main page. Don't know why, just do. This makes me feel like a lightweight.
2. My hotlisted diary list is almost as long as the maximum show of diaries list. Some of this is to keep addresses someone listed, some of it is for html directions, but most of it is because there is probably a link in there I'm too lazy to bookmark in my browser.
3. I've never been the first to Supertroll anyone. I fear my power. I always wait until someone bolder, braver than myself has begun the process.
4. I've sometimes left a really ineffective or lameass comment just to be able to search for the original posting through my own comments tab in case the story or diary scrolls off the page.
5. I've never learned how to properly use the Search function, despite hours of fooling around with it. I come up with either nothing or everything. I've given up. Fuck it. Since I don't post breaking news, it's doubtful there's been a recent diary on what I've written (this is a good example).
6. I've never liked the orange. Never. Sorry. But I suffer through it hours daily nonetheless.
7. I've made pictures in my head that are surely caricatures of the more regular posters (Disclaimer: Not naked.)