Please pardon me while the mother hen in me takes over for a moment...
As we all get together with family and friends for cookouts and firecrackers / fireworks, I just wanted to remind everyone to designate a driver if you're going to be partying. Relax sure - have fun - and give some thought as to what and why we celebrate.
But let's not do the neocons any favors by taking ourselves out of commission with a car wreck or jail. Make sure you're still in good fighting shape come Wednesday, when the battle to re-take Congress continues.
(And try not to lose a finger or hand by setting off M-80s or bottle rockets) :)
And remember - every time someone wraps themselves in our flag (yeah - OUR flag) and calls us a traitor for not marching in goose-step with BushCo, remind them that they've got that flag in the first place because of traitors like us... true patriots who demanded better of their tyrannous leaders.
I was trying to come up with something new, fresh and insighful but it's been a long day. Maybe we could use this thread to list the parallels between life under the tyrannic reign of King George in 1776, and the little tryannical chickenhawk running the show today.
Like the way Bush has gotten away with lying his way into a war / occupation of choice, eavesdropping and spying on us without warrant, torturing others in our name, ignoring the courts...
Mind you... I'm not advocating that anyone take up arms (!!!) like they did back in the day, but it might make us feel better to vent a little.