Hi! Can you hear me now? Oh good! Ha ha…that's always the way. I can create the entire Universe but I can't make a cell phone service that doesn't drop out all the time. At least a cheap service.
I LOVE these debates! Really, they're timeless. I think they're great. It's why you have brains to think with.
Now, I love people who take my existence as a given. I really do like if they try to tell others, as well. But I don’t like people lording their beliefs over others as if they are better than those who believe otherwise.
I don't like Bullies
"Don't think you are better than anyone because of your faith, don't brag about what you have think you may have accomplished in my name," and so on.
A man named Paul, said these things quite a numebr of times.
Still, many people do act "holier than thou."
It's discouraging.
I don't think I like Tyrannical Christians.
Nor do I like Tyrannical Atheists!
(more below the eternal fold...)
In both cases, because of their tyranny.
"My way or the highway!"
"My beliefs are the ONLY truth - it's so OBVIOUS,"
"You're beliefs are poo-poo!"
Or, "you can have you're silly beliefs but then you're a poo-poo headed dummy."
Both tyrants are ugly.
And I'll bet many people feel that way, too.
(For the record, I don't think Judges are particularly tyrannical. But who cares what I think.)
It's Your Choice
Not believing in me is your option. Believing in me is your option. It's your decision. Each and every one of you are allowed to make up your OWN MIND.
That's why freedom of faith is an excellent idea. Freedom to believe in "God", in "Jesus", in "the Virgin", in "Allah", or "No God". It keeps free will an acceptable practice in America. I with more Americans would understand that.
Proof? You're Kidding, Right
Now, the PROOF question:
You can never prove I exist.
You can never prove I do NOT exist.
You ARE capable of proving if something written thousands of years ago is scientifically accurate.
These do not disprove my existence.
Nor does it PROVE my existance.
If I inspired people to write about me, they described physical events as they saw fit. If people today use those physical events (like my Ultra-Quick Universe Creation Technique) as their foundation for belief, so be it. But that faith will be subject to the whims of science. And that's not what I'm looking for.
If all those writings were ABOUT the physical marvels of the ancient world, then science could pose a danger to those "facts". But the writings have little or nothing to do with the physical Universe! Why can't some people see that?
"Faith," as used in many writings, is a word close to today's "hope." People who have "faith" in my existence do so with NO PROOF. It is the DEFINITION of faith (see a creationism-related diary).
If you don't believe in me because there's no proof, then you don't have faith in me.
If you only believe in me if someone "proves" it, then you don't have faith in me.
I'm am NOT Mrs. Kravitz
Now about me just being about hating others and being a buttinski telling people DO THIS and DO THAT: sigh... perhaps I was too stringent with my rules and regulations to the Hebrews...I don't know.
I really tried to fix that with Jesus. Some people got it, but the rest, for all their saying they are "Christians" seem to really think they are Orthodox Jews (whom I happen to like!), given how much they want others to observe all those laws of the Old Testament. People like Paul and others were trying to get people to stop obsessing about the Laws and simply pay attention to, well, Me.
I'm briefly looking over the old writings and I don't know if there are that many clear mentions about "BURNING IN HELL!!!" Millions of people living in endless fear and trying to avoid eternal torture isn't exactly what I was looking for in believers in me. But, of course, Fear is the quick and easy path to keep people in line. You think I don't notice who is using Fear as a weapon?
I HATE hate (hmmm...)
And those using HATE? Ooooooh, don't get me started.
Those who have killed MY name are not expressing MY will. You see, I can take care of myself! Look again at that New Testament.
In there, not Jesus, nor any Apostle, wants anyone to kill anybody. (There are a few touchy moments with some Apostles when the police arrested Jesus, but Jesus said Quit it!)
I KNOW people have used those writings to incite hate and Evil. That's their doing, not mine.
The bottom line
You want to believe in me? Fine. Make sure you know WHY you want that. Read up on me. Make sure it's real to you.
You don't want to believe in me? Fine. Make sure you know WHY you want that. Read up on me (or not-me?). Make sure it's really not real to you.
I don't like it.
And I'll bet No-God doesn't like it either."
Update [2005-4-3 10:45:43 by HadIt]:
"Look at my manners. Didn't even say bye! Well, be good to others and to yourself.
Love and Kisses,