Even though things are looking good in the polls regarding Bush, we need to be honest about this whole situation and see who has the fewest liabilities... of if Kerry is now the Annointed One, find a way to avoid more troubles with Rove and Company.
I'll admit that, as a Dean supporter, a part of me said and "I told you so!" when the Kerry Intern story broke, but it brings me no joy. What we are looking at is an attempt by the Republicans to stem this tide of discontent in one swift stroke.
Therefore, whereas before I was definitely leaning away from voting democrat with a Kerry nomination, I am leaning more towards it now. BUT ONLY IF Kerry is proactive about his handling of this situation and the media in general. We don't need another affability problem like we had with Dukakis.
American public opinion is always a mile wide and a millimeter deep, no matter what the current polls, and stories like this can chanage things in a hurry. As democrats, we need to be smart, and we need to be better politicians. We can't be the spineless winers of the past. I have worried that an election without Dean would throw the party back into impotence.
Is there a way to prove that wrong?