Hi dKos Family:
I need your help between now and the morning of January 3.
Later that day I fly to San Juan, P.R., for a five-day workshop on a new international oceanographic initiative to be attended by an estimated 300+ people.
Howard Dean buttons travel with me wherever I go. I am happy to report that they attract attention and many questions about the candidate and the upcoming 2004 race for the White House. Getting the attention of fellow scientists may be challenge but I'll get the job done - no worries!
Here is where I need YOUR input.
Can you give me the top three (3) reasons you support Dean?
(Obviously SlackerInc. need not reply - we can converse another time). Seeing as how this is an exchange among friends, I will entertain your top five (5), since I know it's very hard to wax abbreviato.
I'll admit that I am hooked by the campaign, the awesome potential of the netroots to affect change, Howie's sock-it-to-em-ness, and the attention Dean pays to healthcare. I'm involved in my local Dean campaign (MiamiforDeam.org) and helped host Howie's last visit here on Dec. 13th.
However, I freely confess that I'm not fully conversant on his finer points on free trade, for example. (Disclaimer: Do not accuse me of drinking the kool-aid without pause: I do not agree with Dean's stance on the death penalty, gun control, and Cuba, to name 3 issues).
If the response to this diary is sufficient (based on my posting it on December 31), I will post another diary with a poll that reflects the top "thinking points for Dean" that you have sent me after I return on January 8th.
Thanks so much for your help, and Happy 2004!!!
P.S. Don't forgot to look overhead at midnight for the brightest Saturn until 2036 while you clink your glasses to the year we unselect GWBush!!!!
p.p.s. Happy New Year, Ari...