Iraq is done by Gallup. Approval of the way Bush is handling Iraq crashes 15 points in 2 weeks. 49% believe the war was worth it, as opposed to 59% two weeks ago. The percentage believing that we were misled has risen an incremental 4 points since July. Since May it has risen 12 points to its current state at 43%. 48% believe the war will be justified sans WMD, 23% believe the war will only be justified with the weapons, and 25% believe that it is not justified even with WMD.
Consumer Confidence-ABC News/Money Magazine's survey released every two weeks hold confidence steady at -5 (the scale is from -40 to +40). Since October the index has risen 15 points. However, it has not reached its high of +32 in 1998. Confidence tumbled the week Bush took office. Hmm.
Michigan-EPIC/MRA releases another poll on this state which Dean has placed critical importance for himself.
10/06 01/20 02/01
10/09 01/25 02/03
Kerry 13 37 58
Dean 21 14 13
Edwards 1 14 12
Clark 15 17 10
Kucinich 2 1 <1
Sharpton 4 3 <1
Undecided 13 16 7
Lieberman 12 5
Gephardt 13
Braun 4
New York City-Bloomberg climbs out of his poll hole and finds himself competitive again.