A new video from Sen. Russ Feingold's Progressive Patriots Fund, on President Bush's illegal domestic spying, was unveiled in Austin, Texas Tuesday night.
It's a little quirky, a little more thoughtful than most political videos, and has a surprise ending.
That's kind of what you'd expect from Feingold and the Milwaukee agency, Eichenbaum/Associates, that has done his offbeat media since he first ran for the Senate.
Here's a twist: The spot, called "W," was directed by Milwaukee native Peter Bonerz, an actor and director best known as Dr. Jerry Robinson, the dentist on "The Bob Newhart Show." Bonerz has directed such television shows as "Murphy Brown" and "Friends."
Feingold was in Austin to campaign for John Courage, Democratic congressional candidate, who won the Progressive Patriots Fund's first "Pick a Progressive Patriot" event held last year.
Watch the video.
Cross-posted at The Xoff Files.