From Thomas Hoccleve's "The Regement of Princes" (1411-12):
The greatest lack that great lords have
Is of those who'll tell them the truth;
Everyone labours and sweats at deception;
They strive to see who best can ring the bell
Of false pleasantness, to puff up their lords' hearts;
And such deceit, lords blindly accept.
The wordly rich men has no knowledge
Of how his situation really is;
They are so blinded with flattery's ensnaring speech,
Which reports to them that their renown
Is everywhere hallowed in the town,
That they believe themselves full of great strength,
Whereas there is but little or not a grain.
... As noted in Terry Jones' new book of courtly intrique when Henry IV affected "regime change" against Richard II, "Who Murdered Chaucer?"