This diary is dedicated to the everyone in America's work force. Especially those that are in Management or in a Recruiting capacity.
The recruiting and human resources services that are being provided to American Corporations, large and small, and the American people are in disatrous shape. This is due to no oversight by Corporate America and the Bush administration not being a role model for following rules and regulations.
The recruiters who are assisting in the recruiting process, whether in an agency or in a corporate settting, are not educated, not experienced in the HR field, are HIGHLY THREATENED by other HR people who are at the Masters level (one candidate told me that she was told "The people with Masters Degrees need a secretary". When I heard this, I almost fell out of my chair.) Not hiring people who are really well educated is a HUGE problem. They have been squeezed out of Corporate America. The recruiters and companies are threatened by the very well educated. It's part of "The Race to the bottom"), are UNBELIEVABLY ARROGANT to the candidates and don't know how to look at the large picture long term, meaning..."How are my actions and words going to affect the company in the long run???" Alot of this behavior is encouraged and festers due to no oversight, arrogance and corruption from the level above them. In addition, the mere fact that this profession is involved with moving people in, around and out of employment, (which is really quite powerful in a person's life) adds to their feeling of "being in power".
The arrogance towards the candidates in terms of the tone that is used, the words and body language leaves an impression with the candidate who then goes out into the community and talks about the recruiter and/or the company that they interviewed with. This is where all recruiters forget that their behavior and actions have an impact on their own career, the image of the company AND IT IMPACTS YOUR SALES AND BOTTOM LINE. In the Moral, Christian Family Values language: You reap what you sow. To bad the Bush administration HAS NOT learned this and THEY NEVER WILL!!!!!
NOTE TO ANY RECRUITER READING THIS: I've heard of people keeping lists of recruiters who have been rude, unprofessional and engaged in ILLEGAL practices so keep that in mind when your dealing with a candidate.
Like the Bush Administration, Corporate America's inability to provide COMPETENT OVERSIGHT and development (TRANSLATION: You have to CALL REALITY AS YOU SEE IT AND NOT PRETEND OR FUNCTION IN SUGARWORLD)is not "valued" (notice how that is a VALUE) in our present day American workplace.
When your company is unable to police themselves or doesn't have an entity with higher legal powers, YOU ARE GOING TO CRASH AND BURN. You should hear the type of workloads the Employement Attorney's have right now. I'm hearing that they've never seen anything like this. Well, this is the "Worst President Ever" that this country has ever seen. (Example: 1600 Pennsylvania Ave has more scandals facing it than it knows what to do with. Eventually, something will bring them down. They're not very bright and DON'T LEARN. It all comes back to bite you in the end!!!)
When President Clinton (We MISS YOU President Clinton!!!) was in office these practices never existed because the economy was in such good shape and Corporate America would never think to engage in them because they had so many jobs to fill and they weren't enough people for the positions. Remember when the headlines stated "Senior Citizens newest members of the recruiting pool". Those were the days and I miss them.
Remedy for all these issues: Oversight (meaning weekly meetings, upwards feeback: actually being able to talk about what's happening inside of your unit in an open and honest environement), workshops and training for any occupation that is in working with people in the workplace.
The White House and Corporate America have ALOT of reflecting and changing of behavior and practices to do, however, that's not a reality. Not a reality when there's no incentive and no one to enforce the rules.