in airing its Texas Air National Guard (TANG) story about Bush. Link is
Now, there's another way to view it.
And that is that the discredited documents – which were entirely too similar to the Dept. of Defense's real FOIA documents – were planted by someone in the Bush camp (a Rove protege, perhaps?) so that no one would notice the abdication of duties by Bush that the real docs illuminate. I cover how the real docs were originally squelched here in my site [then click also on "service record #1" and keep on reading] or you can just go to the top of the site and find your way.
Please see also exlrrp's diary
Debunking Debunked-The CBS documents revisited
and certainly Columbia Journalism's excellent article last week on the strange unchecked pounce of the conservative bloggers in "Blog-gate."
My site also is given above.
What's your view?