The time has come to beat the drum for impeachment.
(Yes, now. No, we don't need to "take back" anything other than the souls/consciences of a few dozen Republican-Americans in Congress. Or promise them that "It's Pres. Hastert now, or Pres. Pelosi next year, you choose.")
From Rhode Island comes an idea that WE MUST SPREAD NATIONWIDE.
Blue Fridays
Wearing blue on Fridays until impeachment begins.
RI Dem Senate Candidate Carl Sheeler is showing the way. He's demanding that his reps in congress get off their butts and join John Conyers in his drive to do what we all know is right and necessary. >>>>
Sheeler attempts to impeach Bush
Providing three separate articles of impeachment for Bush, Vice President Richard B. Cheney and Secretary of Defense Donald H. Rumsfeld for "high crimes and misdemeanors," Sheeler accused Bush of having, "repeatedly lied to our Congress and American, broke our laws and abused this executive authority with impunity..."
The specifics of the articles are irrelevant. ALL CRIMES AND MISDEMEANORS of this cabal can be brought to bear to change public opinion.
One undeniable truth is that they perpetrated The Most Heinous Act of Terrorism in History when these Chicken Littlehawks issued their "mushroom clouds ... in 45 minutes" bomb threat against the American People.
That level of terrorism(1) makes anything 20 guys with boxcutters could do, Iranian "someday nukes," or even a "dirty bomb," pale in comparison.
The truth about the Stolen Elections (I and II) must also be part of the campaign. These anti-democratic, Anti-American crimes are how this cabal took the (formerly) American People out of the loop, rendering us no-longer-worthy of international cooperation, sympathy, and/or protection(2).
We must impeach, convict, and punish the bushkid and his cohorts, posthumously if necessary, because it is the only way to redeem Our National Soul.
By promoting and observing "Blue Fridays" we can remind our "leaders," ourselves, and the world that another week has gone by with no forceful action taken against what is now an undeniably criminal, never-illegitimate, authoritarian regime.
Let's get to work.
(1) And we must call it "terrorism." It is the one thing that will cut through the fog of obfuscation eminating from the DC/Euphemedia Analstocracy. Because even the extreme-sounding "they lied us into war" is just a euphemism.
(2) Yes, it was Jordanian intel that tipped us off to the millenium attacks, using hijacked planes as missiles. How quick to do think the int'l community has been to assist these racketeers?