Paula Zahn (she of the newly-permed hair) reports that Al Qaeda's #2 in Iraq, a man named
"Abu Azah" (if my spelling on that is incorrect, excuse it) has been killed.
Now, that's all well and good, but it's not going to stop the insurgency, which we know from news reports in 90% Iraqi.
Plus, all that happens here is that #3 moves up to #2, and Zarqawi continues to feed the insurgency with human fodder for suicide bombers.
(It's time to move beyond the fold)
I'm sure the warmongers will trumpet this as a victory and motivation to "stay the course," but frankly, this means nothing to me.
Of course, this guy might be one of the kills on the Iraqi Death Porn website, and the trade of pics will give some perv a chubby, but wouldn't it have just been easier to put American boots on the ground way back in Tora Bora and get Al Qaeda's #1 worldwide?
Finally, let me just say on this day when there's nothing good to say about the Bushies and their cronies, this still doesn't make any difference at all.