I am the Co-President of the
Connecticut Young Democrats, and a constituent of Rob Simmons (CT-2) who made the now infamous "I'll be dead by 2042" comment in regards to Social Security reform. I sent Simmons an email today asking the following:
"...[The Connecticut Young Democrats] demand that you first apologize for your insensitive remarks on an issue that matters to millions of young workers, and urge you to formally define your position on social security. This definition should include leveling with your constituents on exactly where you stand on the issue of privatization, private accounts, and maintaining the stability of the system for the young workers currently funding it.."
We also issued a press release in the extended section:
Here's the full text of our press release:
Young Democrats to Rob Simmons: We Won't Be Dead in 2042
(Hartford, January 12, 2004) Outraged over Rob Simmons' front page statement in the Washington Post that Social Security reform should be delayed because he'd be dead by the time it runs out, the Connecticut Young Democrats today demanded he apologize for the statement and stop flip-flopping on yet another important issue.
"Rob Simmons endorsed social security privatization in 2001, declared his staunch opposition to it in 2004, and now in 2005 would just prefer it be discussed after he leaves office," said Lon Seidman, Connecticut Young Democrats Co-President and second district resident, "I know I don't plan on being dead in 2042, and it's unfortunate my congressman lacks the vision and desire to protect our future."
Simmons, along with one hundred and fourteen other Republicans, co-signed a 2001 letter endorsing Social Security privatization drafted by Congressman James DeMint (R-South Carolina). Simmons' 2004 campaign website, however, says the Congressman "remains opposed to privatizing Social Security and Medicare."
"Issue after issue, Congressman Simmons boasts of his 'independence' to his eastern Connecticut constituents, yet votes the opposite way in Washington. It is time for Congressman Simmons to finally stand up and fight for Connecticut, even if the people he represents will outlive him," said Kerry Szeps, Connecticut Young Democrats Co-President.
Although the Social Security Trust Fund will run dry by 2042, the Congressional Budget Office projects the system will begin failing as early as 2008 when the first baby boomers retire and begin collecting benefits. By 2018, the Social Security Trustees project the system will pay out more in benefits than it takes in.
Simmons' flip-flopping is not limited to Social Security. In a 2002 email newsletter to his district, Simmons said war in Iraq `is not in our national interest.' Two weeks later he voted to give the President the authority to use force.
The Connecticut Young Democrats, affiliated with the Young Democrats of America, consists of over seven hundred members throughout Connecticut. The organization represents the interests of young people in the political process and provides resources for young candidates seeking elected office. The organization's website is located at http://yd.dems.info.
And my letter:
Dear Congressman Simmons,
I write to you representing the Connecticut Young Democrats, an organization that represents the interests of over seven hundred young people across Connecticut - many of whom live in the Second Congressional District.
As young citizens with a life expectancy well past the year 2042, we are frankly outraged with your comments regarding Social Security reform in the Tuesday edition of the Washington Post.
We are also confused as to your exact position on the issue of Social Security privatization, as you signed on to the DeMint letter in 2001 endorsing privatization measures for social security, yet vehemently oppose such measures now.
We therefore demand that you first apologize for your insensitive remarks on an issue that matters to millions of young workers, and urge you to formally define your position on social security. This definition should include leveling with your constituents on exactly where you stand on the issue of privatization, private accounts, and maintaining the stability of the system for the young workers currently funding it.
Lon Seidman
Co-President, The Connecticut Young Democrats