GOP greed, that is.
The GOP profiteers are already hard at work, making money on Katrina and making their own lives a little easier at the expense of all those citizens suffering in the wake of the hurricane.
One example of this terrible greed, which will destroy our beautiful country if left unchecked, is to be found in Bush's response to Katrina the other day, which was a blandly delivered To Do List, beautifully staged in the White House Rose Garden, as Bush stood tan and healthy, flanked by his vacation-rested Cabinet.
Bush rescinded EPA environmental standards regarding fuel in his
Rose Garden speech on August 31.
The Environmental Protection Agency has granted a nationwide waiver for fuel blends to make more gasoline and diesel fuel available throughout the country. This will help take some pressure off of gas price.
He could have granted a TEMPORARY waiver to those oil refineries affected in the Gulf Coast.
But he did not do this.
These standards are in place to mitigate pollution. Pollution that is creating greenhouse gases which are causing global warming which boosted Katrina onto the Gulf Coast.
The EPA statement on this waiver says -
In order to increase the supply of gasoline and minimize potential gasoline supply disruptions caused by Hurricane Katrina, EPA is waiving the requirement to sell "summer gasoline" which contains a lower volatility limit. This action has the effect of allowing early use of wintertime gasoline. EPA is also allowing the use of diesel fuel which exceeds 500 ppm sulfur content. Both waivers are effective immediately and will continue through September 15th of this year and are applicable throughout all 50 states, U.S. territories and the District of Columbia.
The President did NOT ask the people of the United States to conserve fuel. He did NOT ask the oil companies to place a cap on their prices or report to him about making refineries more efficient.
Instead, he is allowing the sale of fuel that contains higher sulfer content throughout the whole country.
Bush's response to Katrina?
He's throwing fuel into the fire of global warming.