People are so quick to chastise Hillary Clinton for what they disagree with and even study what she DOESN'T say in emails. I just wanted to focus on one thing she IS saying and praise it since we need MORE of this. I strongly suggest that all of those people who write Hillary nasty comment every time she does something they don't like will write her and praise her for her GOOD stands.
Here is an excerpt from an email Hillary's campaign sent out:
"The signal from Alaska and the Yukon is clear," Hillary said. "Climate change is happening; it will impact all of us; and its time that we took meaningful steps to address it...we can't afford to live in an evidence-free zone where science takes a back seat to ideology."
The delegation, including Senators Collins (R-ME), Graham (R-SC) and McCain (R-AZ), met with scientists and Inupiaq Eskimo residents who spoke of rising sea levels, melting permafrost and shrinking glaciers. They flew over forests ravaged by spruce beetles, who were moving north as the climate changes. "We saw devastation as far as the eye could see. There is no doubt in anyone's mind that this is related to warming," Hillary said.
The Anchorage Daily News reported Hillary "was struck by the account of a 93 year old woman she met at a fish camp...The woman told her she'd been fishing there her whole life but that lately the fish have strange bumps on them, growths Clinton said sounded like some sort of tumor."
And these concerns aren't limited to Alaska. "The changes are signs of things coming elsewhere in the globe," Hillary said.
A rise in sea level would increase the risk of flooding to natural systems like beaches and wetlands, and structures such as buildings and transportation, damaging agriculture, ecosystems and water resources. As the New York Sun reported in an article on Hillary's trip, "Dr Cynthia Rosenzweig of Columbia [University] said climate change could also lead to more severe periods of drought in New York, added energy costs and worsening public health."
"I don't think there is any doubt for anyone who actually looks at the science," Hillary said. "Unfortunately there are still many in Washington who refuse to acknowledge the science because it does not fit their agendas."
"We need to take concrete steps to reduce greenhouse gas emissions," Hillary said, "and I will work in the Senate to pass legislation that will achieve this goal." Hillary was a strong supporter of a resolution passed by the Senate calling for legislation to enact a mandatory emissions reduction program, and she is a cosponsor of "The Climate Stewardship and Innovation Bill," sponsored by Senators McCain (R-AZ) and Lieberman (D-CT) which would limit and eventually cap emissions from utilities and industries.
Notice even Lieberman comes off well in this. Well, folks, this is what I try to bring up often. Hillary, and, for that matter, my other Senator, Chuck, are way too ready to support Bush on Iraq. But they are often on exactly the right side when it comes to other issues. Remember that Hillary and Boxer (as well as Kerry) both got up to support the same voter protection bill. I noticed people tended to praise Boxer and attack Hillary for this stand. Boxer is a better leader and more progressive. I donated to her PAC big time when she was the only Senator to support Conyer's challenge of the 2004 election results. I have not found good reason to send Clinton a bid donation. But for god's sake, she still votes about 80%+ the correct way and still is far more progressive than almost any Republican. I wish people would cut Hillary some slack and spend more time fighting to get the Repubs out of every nook and cranny of government.
If I may suggest a way we all can come together (well, many of us) I am all for Dean's new path for the DNC where smaller donations are dominating and more state parties (hopefully 50 in the end!) get support. Some time back I bought into Dean's Democray bonds. I got the "bond" just yesterday. Slick move to send an actual certificate signed by Dean. Maybe more of us can buy into the Democracy bonds. This is a way to support Dean, support the party, and show that progressives are an ACTIVE part of the Dem party and hence have to be listened to. Since Dean became chair of DNC, I don't donate to DCCC or DSCC--I tell them I donate through DNC to support Dean.