In a democracy do we require that our media be perfect? Can the media be perfect? Or should we ask that they balance care and caution against the public's need and right to know and do their best. If this administration was straightforward and forthcoming, reporting would be a lot easier and we would be correct in demanding transparency and full attribution
In a democracy do we require that our media be perfect? Can the media be perfect? Or should we ask that they balance care and caution against the public's need and right to know and do their best. If this administration was straightforward and forthcoming, reporting would be a lot easier and we would be correct in demanding transparency and full attribution.
Newsweek had a previously reliable source from the Pentagon and they sent the full text of the short item to the Pentagon for feedback. What more should they be required to do--just reference the White House web site and call it news.
It seems to me that the media has become more reluctant to cover the risky topics and more willing to just echo the administration's line. Meanwhile, this administration has misled the public into war, deficit, and appalling foreign relations.
I want my country to reflect be honest and ethical and to contribute to a better world for all of the children. For my own child, I want a future that is not burdened by hatred and deficit. I want the environment protected so that my grandchildren can live on this planet.
The fourth estate is the key to my ability to vote skillfully and to use my voice to advocate, to fight, for the kind of world I want. Without an effective media, I can't see how democracy can survive.
Newsweek is a careful, responsible, publication. Newsweek did not declare the wars in Iraq and Afghanistan, fail to provide adequate resources for peacekeeping, or manage prisons so badly that the Koran abuse story seems highly plausible. Newsweek did not cause the violence and, while they may have made a small mistake, they do not deserve the abuse they are receiving.
If the White House wants more accuracy and full attribution of sources, they need to start the process by coming forward to offer complete and honest responses, investigations, and reports.
Continuing to kick Newsweek will just further intimidate the press and further reduce my access to information.