I have'nt been writing diaries lately because, frankly, I'm not that passionate about many issues anymore. The general corruption and self-serving nature of most of our elected officials has finally worn me down.
On that note, I am slightly surprised that Newt Gingrich's hate speech from the other day has gone unchallenged.
The Article
This is the quote that offends me to the core:
...learn the language of prosperity, not the language of living in a ghetto
He is saying that if you speak [insert language other than English] you are going to be from a ghetto.
There are many elequent responses, one of which follows:
Peter Zamora, co-chair of the Washington-based Hispanic Education Coalition, which supports bilingual education, said, "The tone of his comments were very hateful. Spanish is spoken by many individuals who do not live in the ghetto."
This isn't the first time Newt has spoken up about this issue:
In 1995, for example, he said bilingualism poses "long-term dangers to the fabric of our nation"
Twenty points for whoever can tell me what famous dictator said something similar regarding 'dangers to the fabric of our nation'.