I'm sorry about the third diary entry, and if it's deleted, then I understand. But I thought this was important in the wake of the Nader discussion here today, especially for the people who say there is no difference between the GOP and Dems on any issue, that Kerry is Bush, etc.
I just wanted to remind you of the vile and the pure nastiness that many Republicans of all ages are infected with. They are now BRAGGING ABOUT KILLING PAUL WELLSTONE.
Paul Rolly and JoAnn Jacobsen-Wells
Salt Lake Tribune Columnists
During a Feb. 5 meet-the-candidate night for the newly formed College Republicans U. chapter -- not to be confused with the older and more established College Republicans -- representatives for several candidates revved up the jovial crowd with such statements as "We need to put an end to the liberal Matheson era" and support "the Democrat killers."
As the audience giggled off and on, Mike Clement, representing congressional candidate Tim Bridgewater, spoke excitedly about Republican successes when College Republicans work hard, citing the victory of Norm Coleman in the 2002 U.S. Senate race in Minnesota.
As Clement bantered with the audience, one Republican gadfly noted that they defeated former Vice President Walter Mondale in that race, adding: "We had to kill off Wellstone to get it." He was referring to the death in a plane crash of Sen. Paul Wellstone and his family before the election.
An audio tape captures laughter. But both Clement and Danielle Fowles, acting chairwoman of the club, said they did not hear that comment and believe the laughter was just a continuation of the ongoing banter.
Say what you will about any Democrat, but none of them ever bragged about "killing" John Heinz, or any other respected GOP official.
We can't let these types of people infest the government more than they already have. I want to believe that this type of evil remark would be considered anathema even among most Republicans, but to be honest with you, today, I'm not so sure.