Let me ask you a question; how many times in the last month have you heard the pundits on TV say that it was risky for the Democrats to make the Iraq war an issue? That the Democrats were committing suicide by challenging a "popular" president on a "Popular" war?
Turns out that the war was only popular as long as the lies weren't obvious. Now that the WMD excuse is coming rapidly crashing down, so is public support for the war. Gallup in a recent poll found an extremely rapid drop in support for the Iraq debacle in the last weeks, from a 60-40 advantage to people saying the war was worth it all the way to a current, practically 50-50 split.
We already see Bush with approval ratings below 50%, we already see Kerry beating him, I think it's official; we can no longer call this a popular war or a popular President.
Guess the Post-Saddam-Capture poll bounce has totally run its course; the numbers are already below where we were when Saddam was in hiding. About the only thing that I think could change this downward trend in the near future would be finding Osama in Iraq. And I'm sure you can guess at the odds on that one.
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