Postcast link here:
(on edit: tryin' to get the headline to show up whole on the front page)
"Friend and Sen. John Kerry continues to fight for the Americans this president left behind ... all but the richest 1%. Kerry is introducing a bill to strip government pensions from lawmakers who are convicted of official misconduct. The bill, referred to as the "Duke Cunningham Act," is a measure of accountability sorely lacking in a political environment corrupted by some in the GOP. Folks, fasten your seatbelts and put your tray tables in their upright positions because Big Eddy and Sen. Kerry hit the track at full sprint!" says the blurb next to the link.
The quote in the headline comes from the interview itself (courtesy of JudyM of DU, who provided something of a sampling of the interview). Kerry talks about the many failures of this administration, how Katrina pulled the curtain away from this administration, and we found out that there wasn't a wizard back there.
He also discusses the "liberal" media, about how the GOP wants to sucker the Dems into their game where they have to keep responding to the way the right wing sets the issues, so the Dems keep saying no to this and no to that. We have to show our agenda and say yes to it.
He said he learned during the '04 election that their "megaphone" is a lot bigger than ours. That while they protest about the "liberal" media, within their circles they have been known to say that they own the WH, congress and the media.
Anyway, enjoy the podcast link. I wish I could, but I'm at work.