Will Iron Curtain fall again?
Russia is asking the Bushies questions about WMD.
It now appears that David Kay's report about that fact that Iraq NEVER had any WMD stockpiles has become an issue over an act of theft. Oil contract theft!
Namely Colin Powell got in front the UN and lied his damn ass off about WMD-and then trashed Hans Blix or any other would be non-believer.
So Russia wants it oil contracts back NOW. (France, Germany and China probably wouldn't mind getting their oil contracts back either).
So NOW too... Powell wants to know what Russia did for Iraq just prior to US war in Iraq. Even though the US already knows what Russia did for Iraq, but of course, it's only relevant now that Russia wants her oil contracts back.
Smear campaign coming folks-Freedom Fries anyone.
Russia's Foreign Minister Igor Ivanov angrily told the US just after Bush invade Iraq, "You better not use a smear campaign against us like you did with France".
Russia sells the US a lot of oil and oil is big money so now Russia wants those oilfields back from within Iraq. In fact when Baker showed up looking for debt "forgiveness" the first thing Russia said was "We'll forgive debt IF we get some oil contracts in Iraq".
U.S. Has Questions on Russian Arms Sent to Iraq
Sunday, January 25, 2004 8:26 a.m. ET
TBILISI, Georgia (Reuters) - Secretary of State Colin Powell said Sunday there are still unanswered questions about Russian military equipment that U.S. officials believe made its way to Iraq before last year's U.S. invasion.
U.S. officials last year said they believed private Russian firms sold Iraq antitank missiles, night-vision goggles and electronic jamming systems and that private sector technicians went to Baghdad to train Iraqis to use the jamming equipment.
There are still some outstanding questions in my mind," Powell told a news conference in Tbilisi, where he was attending the inauguration of Mikhail Saakashvili as Georgia's new president before flying to Moscow to meet Russian President Vladimir Putin and Foreign Minister Igor Ivanov.
This war with Iraq is and always has been about OIL and the stealing of oil contracts from other countries. Dick Cheney tried as late as April of 2001 to get Saddam to do business with Halliburton. Saddam flatly refused to have anything at all to do with US businesses.
This is why NO one should be interested in voting for Wesley (NATO only) Clark.
NATO won't do anything for Wesley (lobbyist) Clark. And that would leave the drafting of young Americans in the war for "economic security" in the Mideast (economic security = oil, see PBS FRONTLINE series).
This is why Hillary Clinton pushes for "more troops" in Iraq and longer US military stays in Iraq and also Sen. John McCain is pushing for the same thing but these Senators are not looking to get international help from foreign countries, at least not if those foreign countries want oil contracts in exchange (that's why NO UN folks), NO they're looking to draft young Americans.
Wesley Clark said in his first debate that the UN was "unwilling and unable" to help in Iraq - that's a lie.
I bet Russia and even France would be quite willing to send troops to Iraq in exchange for oil contracts.
Bill Clinton lied to Americans every bit as much as did George W. Bush about those WMD and both Presidents pushed for pre-emptive war and regime change with the same WMD lies.
Remember Bill Clinton said that those 16 words were "just a mistake" when Bush use that talk about Niger yellowcake in his 2003 SOTU address.
It most certainly was not a "mistake". Joe Wilson has already attest to that fact.
And lets not forget what Tony Blair said recently about fearing that Howard Dean would win the election-gee why was that?
They lied, they lied, they lied to you.
Howard Dean did say, "What I want to know is why is the Democraic Party letting Bush go to war with Iraq WITHOUT the United Nations?
There is a lot to be said for an outsider in a presidential campaign. This question from Howard Dean will be the most pertinent question of our time. Indeed why did our congress let that happen?