I was out on a boat all day.
-- more after the flip --
So, yeah, I thought I'd get myself a base tan; with our little community's Las Vegas gathering on the immediate horizon and with me being a fairly pasty Wisconsinite, I knew that I needed some rays.
Unfortunately I coated myself with a mere SPF15 (30 for my face) and it's, like, it was... [thinking]... it was almost like napping with a spaceheater. In case you didn't already know, this is quite abnormal for WI. Every year we only get a ~total~ of about 10-14 days like this, and those are almost always during late July and/or August.
Today was hot and unbelievably, ridiculously, motherf**king humid.
Ok, I just wanted to let everyone know that I'm kinda sunburned. Thanks for stopping by.
p.s. 10 days to YearlyKos!