Funny how questions about the survival of the talknet keep creeping up - because the overall ratings for WLIB have essentially stayed flat over its one year history (never mind the fact that there has been little to no promotion of WLIB over the past year, nor has there been any local Air America content except for the occasional traffic and weather break). Yet other Air America stations across the country ARE growing quite rapidly
It seems as if this success is across the board...
The Denver affiliate has tripled its listenership since launching AAR.
In the month of December WLIB's Franken beat WABC's Rush, according to last week's Washington Blade.
And this gem from All Access (a radio trade website):
AIR AMERICA RADIO's AL FRANKEN will return to the SUNDANCE CHANNEL JUNE 6 with a televised version of his radio show. The show will air weeknights in a time slot yet to be determined. SUNDANCE aired the show SEPTEMBER 7 through NOVEMBER 5 for the election last year.
Simply awesome. Air America Radio had my doubts when it premiered nearly a year ago, and despite some serious question marks in their schedule has succeeded wildly.