Dispatch from THE GREAT STATE OF MAINE. . .
Cheers and Jeers for Friday, January 16, 2004
(belated) CHEERS to Rev. Martin Luther King, Jr. January 15, 1929 - April 4, 1968. "America, the richest and most powerful nation in the world, can well lead the way in this revolution of values. There is nothing, except a tragic death wish, to prevent us from re-ordering our priorities, so that the pursuit of peace will take precedence over the pursuit of war. There is nothing to keep us from molding a recalcitrant status quo until we have fashioned it into a brotherhood." Chills.
JEERS to George W. Bush. The anti-MLK invites his smarmy self to lay wreath at tomb. Says Rev. Raphael Allen of Concerned Black Clergy: "His administration has never supported anything to help the poor, education, or children. It's all about isolationism and greed for the upper class. That's not promoting the legacy of Dr. King." Hear Hear.
JEERS to Wesley Clark. Praises unilateral war on Iraq in 4/3 London Times op-ed piece and 9/02 House Armed Services Committee hearing. Even if comments---posted by Drudge---were taken out of context, media is likely to pounce (Lieberman already has). Dr. Dean, wipe that grin off your face.
CHEERS to the South Beach diet. Crazy-wild bestseller gets another boost from now-buff Bill Clinton. Quick, hide the interns...he's found his mojo!
JEERS to CNN's Crossfire producers. Bad miking (Begala almost inaudible at times), jerky cameras, and embarrassing "Oh, am I on?" moments make Iowa road show almost unwatchable. You guys have been at this for...how long?
CHEERS to Martin Sheen for this lesson in Politics 101: "The difference between a Republican and a Democrat is...Republicans know they're right, while Democrats entertain the possibility that they might be wrong." Case closed---that's why we lose.
JEERS to "Will and Grace." Once laugh-out-loud sitcom now dull waste of time. Proof that gays can be just as boring as straights.
CHEERS to Ann Richards. Former Texas Guv as feisty as ever on Larry King Live. Endorses Dean, volunteers (with also-divorced Larry) to be honorary spokesperson for Bush healthy marriage initiative. Love ya, gal!
JEERS to anonymous sources. Al Neuharth nails it in USA Today column: "Most anonymous sources often tell more than they know... Result: Fiction gets mixed in with fact." Hear that, Novak?
JEERS to network Dean coverage. Center for Media and Public Affairs shows Big 3 network coverage twice as negative toward Dean than his rivals. Add in Fox, CNN and other hack networks and it's a wonder reporters haven't literally skinned him alive yet ("It puts the lotion in the basket or it gets the hose...").
CHEERS to Northeast Arctic blast. Temps in the minus-10's mean you can actually see smoke puffs when people fart. It'd be laugh-out-loud funny if my mouth wasn't frozen shut.
What are you cheering and jeering about today?