I picked up this story from the www.365gay.com site. I'm glad to see that a number of faith traditions have signed on.
(Los Angeles, California) Faith groups across the globe will observe a day of prayer aimed at ending homophobia.
The "World Day of Prayer to End Homophobia" is being organized by Metropolitan Community Churches.
It will be held on Sunday, May 29.
MCC Moderator the Rev. Troy Perry said that local Anglican, Episcopal, Unitarian, Methodist, Presbyterian, and United Church of Christ churches have joined. A number of Jewish temples that will hold observances that same weekend.
(more after the jump)
"Too often homophobia has been rooted in religious intolerance," said Dr. Perry.
"Discrimination against any of God's children is wrong."
Perry is a past delegate to the White House Conferences on Hate Crimes and AIDS.
"Homophobia contributes to higher rates of suicide in LGBT teens, higher rates of LGBT homelessness, lower wages for lesbians, and employment and housing difficulties for LGBT people," said Perry. "It still divides families, and results in hate crimes against LGBT people."
Almost 2,000 incidents of anti-LGBT harassment or violence were reported to the National Coalition of Anti-Violence Programs in 2002. The FBI consistently ranks anti-gay violence as the third most frequent form of bias-motivated crime.