From The Nation:
Republicans are the party that tells us that they deserve to run the country because they will run it like a business: fucking Enron, MCI, Delphi, and every piece of shit airline that betrays the pension commitment it made with its workers, or like insurance companies that skim approx. 30 percent of premiums into admin. costs and huge bonuses for top execs.
More diatribe below the fold.
Bush and his fellow traveling fascistas are going one better on Reagan. Reagan's dumbshit economics transformed the United States from the world's largest creditor to the world's largest debtor in a few short years.
Dumbya, I mean Dubya, has really learned from his Sensei of economic dumbshittedness. Now he has buried us in more debt that all other Presidents combined, including the previous worst of the bunch Reagan.
The American Right should be fucking ashamed of themselves.
They have allowed themselves to be cynically manipulated by Rove et. al to support an incompetent adminstration whose only purpose is to remain in power to impose its nightmare fantasy world upon the rest of us.
Third World countries have elites that are more closely tied to the elites of other countries than to their own people. With the Bush family so do we. (Insert any picture of George holding hands with some fucking Saudi prince, king, etc.)