Well, you asked for it. You got it. A step-by-step guide on how to talk just like a far right wack job.
It's quite simple. It's just a quick check-list to go through and you'll be on your way. Just follow these easy directions:
1. Don't let anyone disagree with you. Remember, dissent is the worst thing in the world. If anyone disagrees with you, just call them a moonbat. In fact, call them a moonbat multiple times because if you repeat something enough times, people will think that it must be true.
2. If the person disagreeing with you is openly liberal, tell them that all liberals are communists who hate america. Saying such irrelevant mumbo jumbo is an easy way to beat people down.
3. If anyone on the left points out something terrible that george w bush has done, just compare it to something a former Democratic president did, even if its not really the same thing. Bill Clinton is the most popular choice, although if you must, you can go all the way back to FDR.
4.Blame everything on the "liberal" media. Remember, just because CNN says that people died in Iraq today, that doesn't make it true. They're just trying to push a left wing agenda. Also, keep in mind that's its okay for Fox News to be as right winged as they want because Ted Turner used to own CNN 10 years ago.
5. If all else fails, just call the enemy mean names and discredit them through character assassination.
That's pretty much it. Very simple. Just practice and you'll get good at it.