Recent evidence shows the US and UK conspired to invade Iraq on trumped-up grounds.
Is this a case of "world police" corruption?
Perhaps but perhaps there is another explanation.
One that will teach us something about the hazards of the retrograde police state that is now being built across the western world by the selfsame people who started this war.
Now, in the interest of brevity, I'm not going to offer links to back up the following assertions. This is not intended to be complete or definitive. If you want to question these points go right ahead. The point here is that we need to debate not only what to do in Iraq now, but we need to ground our own understanding of what caused the Iraq War a bit more. We need to look at the role that the Democratic Party has played. After all, Blair is the British Clinton...
Bush was always going to invade Iraq even pre-9/11.
Not only that, but the idea does not originate with the Bush admin.
About half of the Dem Party was always in the Gulf War boat with the Republicans.
Clinton was firmly in that boat from the beginning.
The invasion of Iraq plans were left for Bush by Clinton who might have started the war himself had he gotten around to it (he certainly bombed, squeezed, and fleeced the Iraqis while in office).
In the case of Gulf War I, half the Dems voted against it.
In the Iraq Invasion vote, the threshold had moved considerably thanks to Clinton's hawkish years in office moving the party rightward.
Thus more Dems voted for the war this time around.
Kerry hadn't so much moved as the threshold had moved.
There is a good reason for that too though, not just concerns about electability.
The good reason is that such a painful mess had been made of Iraq in the intervening years that just getting it all over with was attractive to those with a somewhat more humanitarian bent.
There is also the WMD factor.
No one disputes Hussein was interested in WMDs.
Hussein effectively cried wolf (wherein he played the wolf himself) repeatedly.
So that, at the point at which he wanted to not really be the wolf, it was too late.
Thus, in rare non-partisan good faith, I accept that it was with some belief that Hussein had WMDs, or might soon, that the "Coalition" fabricated evidence of same.
They wanted the war, mostly but not entirely for bad reasons.
They thus trumped up justification for the war, but not entirely without belief that they were right in so doing.
Ultimately the problem is that these guys, New World Order types if you will, simply have no faith in the principles of law and governance that western civilization fought so hard to evolve.
In this case, namely Habeas Corpus.