Good old Al is claiming that the CBC members who don't endorse him ar Uncle Toms. Has Carol suddenly turned white?
Somebody mentioned yesterday that
now they know why no one votes for Al. It seems that his ego has yet again destroyed all hope of credibility he may have been building with this candidacy.
He now claims to be 'surprised and disturbed' by Dean's flag comments. He just now noticed? I always suspected that, when he isn't talking, he's vividly daydreaming away about throngs of adoring fans cheering him on at his Innauguration as Sole Black Voice of the Universe, but now it seems to be true. How else could he have missed Dean's comments in SC, when he was there?
Something I've yet to hear in all this is Carol complain about Al, or even Uncle Toms who don't support their own.
Could it be because she's the only candidate who refuses to play the game?