Every now and then we like to look back at our award-winning C&J poll results. So grab a machete as we hack a path through the gnarled jungle of dendrites and neuropeptides of the Great American Kossack Brain. Speaking of which...
65% don't like the idea of replacing the term "Kossack" with "KoStar." (My bad.)
20% think a gay porn scandal would have no effect whatsoever on Samuel Alito's prospects for the Supreme Court.
"Syriana" is the end-of-year movie people are looking forward to most (32%), followed by "King Kong" (18%) and "Brokeback Mountain" (15%).
61% think John F. Kennedy was a "great" or "very good" president. 3 people out of 1,237 voters called him "god awful."
49% think 18 is the age at which someone should be charged as an adult instead of as a juvenile. 26% thought the bar should be set at 16.
37% hope Karl Rove sticks around through the 2006 mid-term elections because "he stinks the place up so bad." But 44% don't.
24% claim that their spouse does more nagging than they do. 13% are single but still claim to "nag myself silly."
97% think the government should be cracking down on violence more than sex (1%) and marijuana (0%).
Only 1% give Democrats an `A' for the way they're responding to the scandals, gaffes and rifts in the Republican party. 33% give `em a `D' and 20% give `em an `F'.
35% think Democrats have the best chance of taking the House in 2006 vs. 20% who think the Senate offers more fertile ground. (22% said we have a better chance of taking the Alexandria, Virginia Dairy Queen.)
And 39% prefer multi-colored Christmas lights, vs. 25% who prefer white and 22% who prefer them "in the box, where they belong."
John Zogby, eat your heart out. Today's Do-It-Yourself Cheers and Jeers starts in There's Moreville... [Swoosh!!] RIGHTNOW! [Gong!!]
Cheers and Jeers for Thursday, December 15, 2005
Note: One of my biggest regrets in life is, no matter how hard I try, I will never become a sultan. No, not even a token sultan.
By the Numbers:
Days `til Christmas: 10
Days `til Hanukkah and Kwanzaa: 11
Days `til first class postage increases to 39 cents: 24
U.S. voter participation rate in 2004: 64%
Voter participation rate among U.S. military members: 80%
(Source: Time)
Number of letters in Tsk Tsk, you civilians: 18
Your Puppy Pic of the Day: Uh uh. I ain't buyin' it for one second, kiddo. But nice try.
Due to an insanely heavy workload and other commitments, we can't do full-blown C&Js this week. So this will be a collaborative effort. All you need to do is provide your own in the comments. Don't be shy just because everyone's watching you do it in real time. "You can do it!"]
One Year Ago in C&J: December 15, 2004...
CHEERS to Social Security. Don't let Bush fool's in better shape than he's letting on, as this graphic shows. Gotta love those manufactured scare scandals. Ooga Booga!!
CHEERS to the Angry Liberal. Lewis Black tore through town Sunday night, delivering blistering attacks on the elections, religious fundamentalists and Christmas hype. Our favorite moment was his vein-popping response to the creationism-over-evolution crowd: "Fossils! Fossils! Fossils!! Fossils, God dammit!! Fossils!!!"
And just one more...
CHEERS to Steve Breen. I don't know how political cartoonists do it, but I envy their ability to throw an issue in a blender and create a perfect visual analogy that's often as painful as it is funny. Case in point: the recent revelation that Homeland Security gets failing grades for keeping us safe. Breen, of the San Diego Union-Tribune nails it. ( that birdie ticking??)
Floor's open. What are you cheering and jeering about today?
Today's Shameless Testimonial:
"Bill in Portland Maine hasn't thrown a punch. He couldn't throw a punch to save his life."
---Stephen Harper
Leader of Canada's conservative party