Inside the Fold:The Full Sunday Lineup
Improved!: Now with 70% less fat:
We'll bring ya some laughs, some thoughts, and we'll throw in some news.
New encoding for the clips, reducing fat content by 70% - no joke. That speeds things up. Now, on with da' show.
(1st) Sy Hersh may be breaking a big feature on Cnn's Late Edition.
(Vid) Lewis Black brings out da' laughs
(Vid) Letterman vs CNN and Bush's lies
(Vid) Fallujah and the face of PTSD
(Vid) Former Pittsburgh Outfielder, Mario Cuomo on Baseball and America
(Vid) An Essay: What I did over my Summer Vacation
(Vid) An insight into Martin Luther King
(Vid) The Lies, Deceptions, and Deaths of Nixon and Kissinger
(Vid) Bob Baer breaks down Bush's Mid-East Mess - like oil at $400 a barrel
(Vid) Sen Frank Lautenberg's impassioned speech on patriotism
(Pics) Birthday Remembrances
CNN: Sy Hersh. Sy only comes on when he's breaking a big feature. Then Barney Frank vs Grooper, Peter Kreep. And a look at Hamas. Oh, also Tony Orlando - I....I don't get it.
Air America's Politically Direct: Joan Jett !!

Joan and the Blackhearts release their first CD in 10 years - "Sinner" - it's described as highly personal and political. Cool, gotta check it out.
Face the Nation: Bill Keller - editor of the NYT. I hope he remembers this Independence day and comes out fighting - don't play defense, that's what they want.
Then Arlen Spector vs Mark Fidyrich fanatic, Carl Levin.

Come on, Arlen, toughen up. You don't wanna make Sam Ervin rollover again, do ya?
Meet da "PRAVDA": McConnell vs Schumer (bring it on, Chuck). They'll go over the Supreme Slamdown and the other crap the Goopers are fanning. Get this, they're gonna try to pass some junk on "fetal pain" - oh brother. How `bout concentrating on child poverty!!
General Electric's show is really ugly: they're gonna debate "freedom of the press" w Bill freakin' Bennett and Bill Safire vs Dana Priest and John Hardwood. Can you say, "listing right, 140 degrees."
Hmmm, think Tim will ask the dirty, filthy addict and chicken hawk (Bennett) to look Dana Priest in the eye and repeat his rants about imprisoning her for her Pulitzer winning reports?
This Week: Mia Farrow on UNICEF and her trip to Darfur. Then the rest of the show is crap: Feinstein vs McCain.
And Barf Alert: Cookie, Fred Thompson and Joe Klien. WTF?? Ahh, Georgie, just as your ratings are going up, ya gotta shoot yourself in da foot?
Foxxx: Major Jack Reed (D-RI) of the 82nd Airborne vs Lindsey Graham.