The divine in me honors the divine in you.
For anyone that might be interested, that's about what namaste means.
I bid you all here on DailyKos "Namaste". I'm taking a trip for awhile and will miss it here.
I was so overwhelmed by all the inherent goodness all over this blog today, and I am feeling sentimental before taking off...
This diary by wmtriallawyer made me laugh my butt off.
This diary was so touching, special and neat, I don't even have words.
This one has made me laugh so much I'm physically healthier for it!
I am so grateful for you all....
(more below the flip)
Thanks, DailyKos, for giving me hope in a hopeless world. Thanks Kossacks for showing me how great so many people are all around the world! Thanks for being smart, resourceful, funny, beautiful, successful, witty, kind, and honest.
I could do this all day, with so many diarists, and so many diaries, but I have to pack.
So, I'll just say, once again,