Will the Democrats fight the nomination of John Roberts? Who is John Roberts, you may ask, and what is a Federalist? John Roberts is the Bush nominee for the vacant Supreme Court seat left by Sandra Day O'Connor upon her retirement. Follow the arrows and I will fill you in on how this ties together, and it could be disastrous for the country.>>>>>Read on>>>>>>>
Once upon a time there was a bad President of United States Land, and he had to pick a person to help uphold the laws of the land. Well after talking to less than ten people, the bad ole President, picked a man that was almost to good to be true, at least for this bad president to have picked.
Oh of course he had a few shortcomings, no one is perfect. He is on the side of corporations, and feels that Roe-V- Wade is only the law of the land, and should be overturned. But then it was discovered that he had a few more minor skeletons in his closet, and one really big one! It turns out his beliefs are those of the Federalist.
Federalist are people who believe that the Constitution should really not exist. They want to take away the rights of the common man, and woman. They want to over turn Roe-V-Wade because they feel women have no right over their body after they are with child. Also they feel that only the rich land owners should rule the country.
Back in the beginning of United Sates Land, the mean old Federalist made a play to take over the government. Uncle American BadButt told you about this in his other stories, "When The Government Crumbles" http://www.dailykos.com/story/2005/5/10/10257/6885
and "This ain't The First Time" Parts 1-2, http://www.dailykos.com/story/2005/5/19/64110/6948
and, http://www.dailykos.com/story/2005/5/20/82033/7687
This time it is being played out just like then, the bad President and his Black Knights are doing away with Third Branch of the Government of The United States Land. This will allow them to go unchecked, and carry out their evil plans. Like in the other stories, we need a White Knight and a band of Good Knights to spoil the evil plot We need another Sir Thomas Jefferson, so that the people will not have to rise up, and defeat the Bad President, and reclaim the kingdom of the United States Land.
All kidding aside. It has surfaced that John Roberts has been a member of the Federalist for a number of years now. He is against a woman's right to choose, and Federalist are known racist. Federalist believe in a Centralist type of government that has a ruling class of rich land owners.
We as a country can not allow any more Federalist into places of power, most of all on the Supreme Court. I recommend that you look into what other federalist are in the government, and we need to make an effort to remove them.
But that's just me, and I am ABA607.
ps. Sir Thomas Jefferson, is just for the story. He was not a Knight, but there is a bad President!