we just watched a cnn segment on
paula zahn now! (which we think sounds more like the title of her first cd rather than a news program) covering the question of a
wol being awol.
it's amazing enough that this national news organization is actually talking about this issue (4 years too late, but hey, what do you want from a money-grubbing lazy cadre of gossiping rumor-mongers...er, sorry, we mean, cnn). even more amazing, heidi collins, subbing for paula zahn, now!, actually allowed wayne slater of the dallas morning news to explain the story so far.
mr. slater was one of the few reporters who actually covered this story 4 years ago back when it mattered. his reportage tonight was succinct and almost-damning, but he did cba (cover bush's ass) by saying that while unusual, the pattern of absences was not unheard of in the national guard. and he and cnn repeated the undisputed fact that awol was honorably discharged.
as we've said before, an honorable discharge is not the question. what we were disappointed to not hear mr. slater say is that bush's own disharge papers point out that bush fulfilled less than the required allotment of duties.
but, finally, the media (or at least, heidi collins, now!) is talking about it.
tune in tomorrow as aaron brown discusses leopold and loeb: good boys gone bad, or the dark side of liberalism?
cross-posted on the american street and our own blog, now!