How much is enough? How long before people decide that they have been lied to enough? How long before we demand a change in our government at all levels? For me, that means now. I have decided to run for Town Board in my sleepy Upstate New York Town of Stamford.
More after the jump...
Like many, I have decided that I am mad as hell and sick of this pack of lying hypocrites. The GOP at the federal level is supported by ever other level beneath it. If they no longer have the support of the local power bases of counties and towns, then they will not be able to get away with stealing America's future at the federal level. That is why I am running for Stamford Town Board in my heavily Republican Town of Stamford in the Catskills of New York. I am tired of having only one choice on the ballot each election for local offices. I am tired of the Republican Party completely dominating local politics and railroading their agenda down our throats. I am tired of the crap!
This is just the beginning of my journey into local politics. I have also joined the Delaware County DNC as the Representative from the Town of Stamford and will try to jump start the opposition party, which sometimes seems to be more focused on food than winning elections. We have the power; we just need to be reminded of the fact, which is what I plan on doing in the next several months.
The issues that I will be promoting will not of course be limited to the following, but these are what come to mind at the moment. I want government transparency, which demands fair elections using election systems that provide a readable paper ballot. The New York legislature recently gave the county Board of Elections the authority to choose which electronic voting systems they would prefer to implement. How much money is being spent by those companies to win the bids?
I also want to promote reusable energy in the form of wind and solar power, which can actually be done at the town level in New York. Recently the neighboring Town of Harpersfield was confronted with having to develop rules and regulations for installing and implementing wind power because of a local farm that wanted to install a wind mill. I want to end the use of property tax as the primary tax revenue which is regressive and use the more progressive income tax. This is killing locals in this rural Upstate New York area, where we find farms that are not making much money.
I think I just outlined my platform for the campaign, but I would also appreciate any feedback from the dKos community. This campaign is a work in progress, but I am in it for the win!
Kelly Keck
Democratic Candidate for Stamford Town Board
Member of the Delaware County Democratic Committee
Mad as Hell Citizen