I'm not one for personal diaries. For this I'll make an exception, and note that the inspiration came from Keith Olbermann this evening. He admitted that from time to time he's utilized the services of a mental health professional. And, one of his questions to a guest concerned the impact of Rove's remarks on those who 'Seek Therapy?'
Not only were Mr. Rove's remarks politically incendiary, they constituted a slap in the face of every person in this country who's heard a friend or relative say, "Nothing wrong with me! I'm not a mental case," when they've tried to recommend professional help.
There are a couple of things about Rove's unfortunate comments that go far beyond politics (more below)
First, they are indicative of a person who holds those fighting to recover from mental illnesses in contempt. Mr. Rove seems to believe that "seeking therapy" is a sign of weakness, and strong people don't have to "seek therapy." In short, if you have a mental condition for which you seek therapy--you are weak. Trust me, watching a family member struggle through bouts of depression doesn't lend itself to the conclusion that those with mental illnesses are weaklings.
Secondly, Mr. Rove's apparently not ever had to face a situation in his immediate family in which a member refused to seek professional help because, "If 'they' find out I went to a shrink I won't get hired." We begged, we pleaded, we intervened. We got the same answer. My brother would rather struggle and 'self medicate' than admit to a "weakness." Especially one
stereotyped the way Mr. Rove infers.
Finally, we did (after three miserable years for everyone involved) get my brother to accept help from a psychologist and another therapist. I'd love to say that the future is bright and rosy, but it isn't. Every day his wife gently pushes, and praises, and does every other thing she can think of to get him to continue treatment. What he doesn't need right now is a major political celebrity endlessly repeated on TV, re-inforcing the stereotype about people who seek therapy.
So, Mr. Rove: If you won't apologize to the Democrats (who supported the War in Afghanistan), and you won't apologize to George Soros---how about at least apologizing to my brother who's in the fight of his life right now?