In Bush's SOTU he made it emphatically clear that he opposed gay civil unions and marriages and would support an effort to pass a constitutional amendment to make it illegal. Of course this is an effort to reach out to his fundamentalist base, but my fear has always been that this is an issue that would have strong support even past that base. However, a new poll from ABC News/Washington Post posted on seems to indicate that this issue might be to Bush in 2004 as "Family Values" were to his father in 1992. Asking whether civil unions should be legal 46% said yes and 51% said no. In September 2003 40% said yes and 51% said no. For marriage it was 41% for and 55% against. In September this was 37% for and 55% against. It seems that as the issue becomes more talked about those who were opposed remain opposed but those who did not have an opinion before are generally siding with those who favor gay rights. In addition, Independents are split 47% for, 50% against when it comes to gay marriage while Republicans are heavily against (24% for, 72% against). Democrats are 50% for and 46% against on the gay marriage issue (there is no breakdown at polling reports on civil unions).
What this says to me is that while the issue of gay marriage may play well to the Republican base, it doesn't play well with independents especially as they become more aware of the issue. I hope this trend continues and Bush's "discriminate with compassion" b.s. sits sourly with the American voter.