This is for many people Ive witnessed here tonight. You know who you are.
I thought this board was very Dean-friendly. Up until one minute past Caucus time.The DLC is licking its chops over what youre serving up right now: Dean's Corpse. And yours.
I cant believe the UnFuckingBelievable amount of whining, bitching and moaning I am seeing on thread after thread. Dean's so-called supporters, wetting their panties over one loss, upchucking their cookies instead of bucking up and being constructive and full of fight.
I see people saying theyre flipping to Edwards or XYZ. Crying over Dean's "explosive" (eeek!) post-caucus speech (Did you check out Ted Kennedy at Kerry's Victory speech? Dean's had nothing on his as far as red-faced shouting.) I see people lapping up and regurgitating every bit of bullshit the media been feeding us for all these weeks.
Dean (Trippi et al) has been out on the road, fighting, doing his best for 2 years. He has had the Dem opponents against him, the Dem Establishment against him, the MEDIA against him and of course, the Repubs. So he suffered a loss tonight. And what do we see?
His so-called supporters against him! People jumping ship like a bunch of ASSes instead of Democrats.
THEY have you exactly where they want you now. Because it wasnt just trite bullshit when Dean et al said this is about YOU. It really is about US, because WE were (have to use past tense here, I guess) powering a candidate who stood up to the machinery instead of oiling it. That machine is so deeply programmed and deeply scared that we'll find the "off" button. So, when it's about US that means WE have to be strong to fight it. Not just Dean. Do soldiers turn on the general after one battle is lost? What did you think, that fighting the Establishment would be a fucking lark?
This Movement -- until now --has reminded me of when people really loved a leader in other countries, like in Chile with Allende, in Guatemala with Arbenz and in Iran with Mossadegh, in a populist way. The US (Establishment) overthrew ALL of those governments by COUP in the last century and dictators followed. People power scares our Establishment, no matter how many lies they tell you about how much they love it, no matter how much they pretend that its the American way. No, it has been the American tradition, for a long time, to be very corrupt.
And now, you are doing their bidding. Turning into the democRATS this party is becoming famous for being overrun with. It's straight from the weakASS, populace handbook. Its what makes that ever widening distance btw the haves and the have-nots in this country so disgusting, so negatively stand-out from other developed nations -- increases the great divide between the hapless voters and their deaf and blind 'representatives'. Those mousey sorts we rejected because they had rejected us and were leading us deeper and deeper into the shit.
So, dear Faux Ones, I fear that, sadly, you deserve the shitty faux democracy you will get and Dean deserves better than you. Because like Ben Franklin feared, we really cant "Keep It". Which is probably why Thomas Jefferson recommended overturning the govt several times a century. They both knew our Republic would become corrupted. They knew what you dont because you are it.
We have a chance to retrieve it, but we are working against a lot of forces and it is going to be very difficult. But it will be hopeless if you really are as gutless and ungrounded as you appear to be tonight. Sorry to see this board is populated by so many of these sorts. I had thought it was a different sort of place.
Unless all of you used-to-be Dean supporters are just plants. Great acting job, if so.