I was at a NYC Clark wake last night, and two separate people mentioned September with wicked little smiles on their faces. Since it's still months away, and I too had thought about it with relish, I have to conclude that this very Democratic city's response to the Republican convention this year is going to be a seminal moment in street activism.
Has anyone heard of any concrete plans? Does anyone have any creative ideas on how we might steal the spotlight from these 9/11-appropriating hacks?
For those of you short on history, the 1968 elections were very influenced by demonstrations at the Chicago Democratic convention, and the Republican mayor's reaction to them. Now, granted, the dynamic is going to be very different this year, and no, violence will not help our cause at all. But this is the Republican's turn at the free media megaphone, and if we can reply with a big stack of Marshall amps, we can do some good for ourselves.