On Monday, AmeriGus posted a laundry list of Rep. Eliot Engel's (D-NY) not so progressive stances on the blog Left of the Hudson:
He reminded us of Engel's snubbing of Net Neutrality, his role in creating corporate media monopolies, his saber rattling against Iraq, his stance against impeachment, and his cheerleading for a Columbian Free Trade Agreement. Even worse, Engel wants to write Dubya a blank check to invade Iran, even going so far as to chastise Nancy Pelosi for trying to insert language in a House appropriations package to keep Dubya from using funds for our current wars to subsidize military action against Iran.
But what's unforgivable is Engel's past and continuing support of Rev. John Hagee's minions, people who want to attack Iran because it plays to their cultish, fatalistic, Armageddon/end-of-the-world scenario.
We're going to take Rep. Engel behind the woodshed below the fold.
While it became widely reported yesterday that Democratic turncoat Joe Lieberman will have Hagee's back at the Christians United for Israel Conference,very few know that Engel, along with Lieberman will be sharing the stage with the abusively anti-Catholic, abolition mocking, anti-gay,Hitler apologist.
It's bad enough when Democrats don't vote or act like Democrats, and we've come to expect a bit of that (although we might whisper "DINO" behind their backs). However, I find it quite unforgivable when a member of my party breaks bread and appeases those that are the sworn and bitter enemies of everything our great party stands for. I also find it shocking that any Democrat would give the time of day to a group of dangerous dominionists and theocrats.
Even John McCain's campaign now understands that Rev. Hagee and his acolytes make up a good part of the right-wing maniacal fringe. And now, after wrongfully kissing Hagee's ring and soliciting his endorsement earlier this year, McCain has now washed his hands of him.
I've heard many people argue that CUFI, Hagee's group, has been a staunch ally of the nation of Israel, but I argue that there are some friends that you just don't want to have. If you went to the CUFI conference last year, as video bloggerMax Blumenthal did, you'd find that the Hageeites are not so much supporters of Israel, but crazed fatalists that believe there must be a State of Israel in order for them to be ready for The Rapture.
To my knowledge, Rep. Engel, who is a member of the Democratic Leadership Council, has attended these CUFI conferences before, in 2006 and 2007, and he is scheduled to take the stage before Rev. Hagee at the conference this July.
I can accept that Joe Lieberman now feels free to turn his back on his former party, but what of Engel? Will the Congressman turn his back on his core constituency from the liberal Rockland and Bronx counties and the moderate Westchester County? Are we going to let him do this?
It's important that Democrats everywhere to remind Rep. Engel that the enemy of your enemy is not necessarily your friend. And in the future, he has to choose his friends more carefully.
Please call, visit, fax or e-mail Congressman Engel's offices.
Here are the addresses and phone numbers of his offices:
Washington, DC
2161 Rayburn HOB
Washington, DC 20515
Phone : (202) 225-2464
Fax: (202) 225-5513
3655 Johnson Avenue
Bronx, NY 10463
Phone : (718) 796-9700
261 West Nyack Road
West Nyack, NY 10994
Phone : (845) 735-1000
6 Gramatan Avenue; Suite 205
Mt. Vernon, NY 10550
Phone : (914) 699-4100
You can e-mail Engel's office using this form.
This diary is cross-posted at Left of the Hudson