Jesse Jackson called Obama a
"Ni**er and a half breed" & F*ckin half breed Ni**er
(amongst other terrible things) on Fox TV last week, according to James Mtume, co-host (along with fellow co-host Bob Slade, Judge Bob Pickett, and guest Felipe Luciano) of the Open Line Show on WRKS, KISS FM in NYC, at 10:20am Sunday morning.
Yes! That's what he reported!
Now for those who don't know. OPEN LINE, is a highly rated Sun morning Community/black affairs show. All the big politicians (including our Mayor, Michael Bloomberg, but not Hillary Clinton, go figure), media personalities, progressive blacks/Latinos and activist appear on this dynamic show.
As you can imagine, this top rated shows host are totally in tune with the black community, its activist, entertainers, politicians and various personalities, in the nations largest media market. They've interviewed all of them, and they in return, seek to be on the show, when anyone of them wamts to speak directly to the black community in NY. If anybody has that contact, they would!
For the record these guys (Open Line) were the ones that were most responsible for getting the Central Park Jogger, Black Boys, Rape Case, overturned, before anybody in the MSN would touch the case.
The quote/paraphrase, this morning from James Mtume was:
Hey family, I got it on high authority, and the most respected source, that Jesse said a whole lot more than just the N (nuts) word. You know when Fox says that have more on them tapes. Well my sources say, that Jesse went off, and called Obama a Ni**er, he called Obama a no good half breed Nigger, and showed total discontent and animus toward Obama, amongst other things. Yeah it's deep yall!
I listened to the show live Kossacks, so I can confirm I heard this.
Mtume, has been on Shaun Hannity's program(and I think O'reilly to), until he decided to stop appearing on those shows. It's quite possible somebody in Fox, could of dropped dime to Mtume, knowing he would mention it, just to twist the knife into Jesse Jackson further via black radio, as they decide what to do with the tapes later. Remember, Foxifiles may not want Obama to win, but they (or at least their listeners) HATE Jesse Jackson!
Mtume made it very clear, that Jesse didn't like Obama (he didn't give him the benefit of the doubt, nor his other co-host, guest), and that he (Mtume) didn't like Jesse for saying it. He feels Jesse is Jealous, and can't accept Obama's new, respected, magnetic leadership. Keep in mind Mtume is a guy, that didn't like Obama's candidacy at first (last year), but has come to respect and appreciate it (as many in the black community have come around to).
Just for clarification Obama has historically spoken about black fatherhood & responsibity, but is aware the story has two sides. Here's his respose on A Saturday Press conference, via Mark Halperin's the page:
My argument is simply that it’s not an either/or proposition, it’s a both/and proposition. The government and society as a whole has an obligation to deal with poverty... But we also have to recognize there’s a particular problem when more than half of African-American children are growing up without a father in the house.... I won’t back up one bit in asserting that that’s a problem that we have to be honest about."
Personally, I was holding out that this Jesse, Obama thing was basically nothing (which it really is). But wait a minute. Now, Air America is reporting that, some Activist in Chicago (coudln't get the name, but I'm sure it's hit Politico, etc. by now), are asking Jesse Jackson, to step down from his position in Operation Push. They are declaring, in this paraphrase:
Jesse Jackson's negative comments on Barack Obama, can have a negative affect on the upcoming Presidential election, and cast a bad the City of Chicago, and it's activist community. It is for this reason that Rev. Jackson should step down from his position in the Rainbow Coalition Wow!
Did they hear about Jesse's hidden tapes quotes as well?
Is this the start of something big, that can bring Jesse down? Is that why, Jesse was soooo apologetic & contrite so quickly. Does he know what's lying on those tape, and is probably scared to death about its contents?
Originally, I didn't think, the "nuts" gaffe was a big thing. I just thought it was Jesse killing time, talking Sh*t to another brother/guest, while waiting on Fox (as stupid as that was). For those who know, or who have met Jesse (as I have), it just seemed like Jesse being Jesse (though he's a Rev. he can speak very salty at times). I just thought it was the media trying to create something, because Jesse appeared so calm(as if he was caught in mid-sentence, or was speaking for a while), with no apparent malice. But it's obvious now, he said a whole lot more.
I had reservations about writing this diary, because I didn't want to cast Jesse Jackson in any more a negative light, or have it picked up in the blogosphere (or god forbid the major media) feeding frenzy. I certainly have no negative or visceral feelings for or against Rev. Jackson, and no ax to grind. I do respect his contributions and legacy dearly.
Well; it still doesn't bother me, what Jesse said. But I have to surmise, that Jesse really doesn't like Obama (I was hoping he did), after hearing about this (Is this why Wolf Blitzer, etc. went on and on and on about Jesse's terrible comments?). They didn't present all his comments, that's why. But the question is, what is Fox going to do with this, and what effect it will have?
I have a feeling that O'Reilly will air the rest of what Jesse said (as Mr. Mtume speculated), as it gets closer to the election. That doesn't mean it's going to hurt Obama (I don't think it will). But I wouldn't be surprised if FOX thinks that they could create some order of chaos, by releasing tapes of some prominent American (Jesse), calling Obama the N word, and a "half breed", and worse,right before the election, could help McCain win; or at least cause a maelstrom of media confusion.
We'll see!
PS: I was waiting for that long 15000 word profile article on Obama, that somebody was bound to do. But I didn't think it woudld have Michelle looking like a cross between Assata Shakur and Angela Davis, and Barack as a Somali goat herder and Osama Bin Laden. I know it's satire, cause the Lizza article (from what I know), was not a negative article, and the New Yorker is Pro-Obama. But boy, it's made people hot!