Tuesday, I posted a diary on Childhood Depression. I noted in that diary that it is also
Children's Mental Health Week.
Why is children's mental health so important? Well, just like nutrition, exercise, and immunizations, a child's mental health is critical to their healthy development. If a child's mental health needs are met they can think and learn better, develop new skills, and adapt to their environment.
I'm not just focusing here on children with mental health diagnoses. As parents and caretakers of children, we should be focused on developing healthy mental health. It's just as important as math, reading and spelling.
A poster Tuesday mentioned bullying and the importance of parents regularly checking in with kids about bullies at school. Bullying is a mental health concern, both for the bully those who are bullied.
Another mentioned the stress that kids are under these days. Do kids have time to play? To relax? Or are they overscheduled? Kids can feel the effects of stress, too.
Yet another poster talked about the importance of letting her son know he is loved. Affectionate touch and interest. Unconditional love is a contributor to good mental health.
And still another talked about abuse and its toll. Many children live with very real fears. Find out what is frightening to children.
So today's discussion is this: As parents, teachers, counselors, caregivers and neighbors what are we doing to contribute to the mental health of children?