First Ayers.
Then Wright.
It looks like Saul Alinsky is on today's McCain TP Memo.
Mr. Mayor made a fool of himself on Morning Joe, and the transcript shows how Andrea Mitchell and Mika Brzezinski called him out.
America’s Mayor hit the a.m. circuit on Morning Joe, continuing the Ayers/Wright talking points straight from the McCain-Palin camp.
With Andrea Mitchell watching in via satellite, Giuliani managed to contradict [or lie] in less than 30 seconds about his assertion of the relationship between Ayers and Barack Obama.
He also has now officially added Saul Alinsky to the mix.
[Stay tuned for Father Pfleger and Tony Rezko in the coming days.]
Giuliani—"[Obama is a]...friend of Ayers, at least three years, maybe longer. Ayers tried to blow up the NYC Police Department. This is a guy I don’t like very much. He tried to blow up the US Capital. He tried to blow up the Pentagon."
Brzezinski –"What are you saying?"
Giuliani—"This guy, educated in the Saul Alinsky methods. A good friend of Ayers. Very close to [Jeremiah]Wright. This is the most left wing candidate of the Democratic Party. Its ideology. Its ideology, Andrea. It’s not guilt by association."
Mitchell—"But Mr. Mayor, the NY Times said he was not a good friend. The NY Times said they did not have much of a relationship at all."
Giuliani--"Oh gee, that really...Andrea that really persuades me."
Mitchell--"...that he was not even a friend."
Giuliani—"The NY Times said that? That really persuades me."
Giuliani—"I didn’t say he was a friend. I said..."
Brzezinski—"What are you saying?"
Mitchell—""You said he was a good friend."
Giuliani—"What I’m saying is it shows that the man has had left-wing advisers all throughout his career. His pastor for 20 years was Rev. Wright. 20 years. He selected the church. He went to the church. He didn’t know what Rev. Wright was saying. Just like, one of his people was saying he didn’t know Ayers was setting off bombs."
Brzezinski—"I still want to know exactly what you think Mr. Ayers was, but we’ll do that walking out."
Giuliani—"He was a bomber...they sat on a board for 3 years together and gave away millions of dollars to housing projects. That was the relationship. I don’t know if it was a friendship or not."