After a technical hiccup this morning, an experimental wiki (collaborative writing site) for dKos and other bloggers is back up at
I have a few notes to kick things off, and some blank pages, including an empty dKos FAQ page waiting for you to write on.
The What: A wiki a simple online tool for collaborative writing. Some software developers created it years ago, to work on documentation. It's been proliferating in many versions since.
A wiki differs from a blog in that the goal is to create semi-permanent content over time, rather than serving up timely content that turns over fast. To see an excellent example of a built-out wiki, visit
I had been setting up a wiki installation, with the basic idea of having a kind of political wikipedia, when I saw the discussion of doing just that at It seemed right to kick things off by inviting dKos people over.
Hatless and opendna have some excellent thoughts about where we might eventually want to take this at
and respectively.
Hope to see you there.